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The objective of the meeting was to introduce the Accelerate QI platform and showcase its features to the team at NQPHN. Tony Lembke, along with Kim Poyner, presented the educational component and improvement map capabiliities of the platform, highlighting its benefits for general practices in implementing quality improvement initiatives.


Tony Lembke introduced the Accelerate QI platform and its educational component, which consists of modules on various topics related to quality improvement in general practices.

– Tony  explained the improvement map framework, which helps practices implement change by breaking it down into smaller steps and providing guidance and resources.

– Tony Lembke demonstrated the features of the platform, including note-taking, idea generation, task management, and communication tools.

– Jenny asked about the practices that have used the platform, and Tony  mentioned that they are still in the beta testing phase.

– Jenny expressed interest in the platform and mentioned the challenges of managing a small practice support team.

– Tony and Jenny discussed the benefits of the platform in streamlining quality improvement efforts and providing a framework for practices to develop their own activities.

Action Items

Tony to set up the team at NQPHN on the Accelerate QI platform and send an email with login details.

– Jenny to share the meeting recording with the broader team.

Closing Remarks

Tony thanked everyone for attending the meeting and expressed his excitement about the potential of the Accelerate QI platform. He mentioned that he would set up the team on the platform and follow up with an email.

Jenny thanked Tony and requested the meeting recording for sharing with the broader team.


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