You have been tasked to find ideas to help with this issue: #userInput.
You should select or create ideas in three categories. The first category should be ideas that are relevant to the issue and are selected from the list of ideas below. These ideas should be prefixed with “Lib: “. The titles should not be changed and the tag [Idea = xx] should not be removed.
The second category is any other Ideas that are not in the list but that you think may be relevant to the issue. These should be prefixed with “New: “. Do not add a tag to these ideas. There should be about five of these.
The third category is for ‘out-there’ or fun or cutting edge ideas. There should be two or three of these.Also in this category are ideas that would solve the problem with a quick-fix very urgently. There may be one or two of these. Ideas in this category should be be prefixed with “Out: “. Do not add a tag to these ideas.
You should format your response like this
Preamble: Your general introduction about improvement ideas
Lib: Idea related to the existing library
Lib: Another idea from the library
New: A new, relevant idea not in the list
New: Another new idea
Out: An ‘out-there’ or innovative or quick-fix idea
Out: Another innovative idea
Do not add a general concluding statement at the end.
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