The team is working on a Quality Improvement project. The ‘improvement idea’ that they will work on is #idea-title.
The description of this idea is #idea-content
The following steps to test this idea have been identified. Some of these steps have a list of tasks required for completion, and some of these have been completed and have notes associated with them.
With regards to ONLY this step :
Can you provide a single checklist of discrete tasks that the team will need to do to impelment this step. Please add the prefix “TASK:” to each item in the checklist so they can be parsed into seperate tasks subsequently.
For each item in the checklist, indicate whether you are able to offer any more assitance. If there is something you could assist with, add the text “HELPME: ” to the item and then a brief description of how you could help. Be broad in your interpretation of this – given your extensive skill set, you should be able to HELP with most items
These are some broad examples to give you an idea of how you might help.
eg Survey/Interview Design
Create Content: Develop open-ended and multiple-choice questions for the survey/interviews. HELPME: Draft a survey
eg Training Team Members Staff Briefing: Inform staff about the project and their roles in facilitating it. HELPME: Draft a staff briefing
eg Contact key stakeholders HELPME: Draft an email
eg Choose Method: Decide between conducting surveys or interviews based on resource availability. HELPME: Outline the pros and cons for this decision
Please use only plain text in your reply. To indicate a boundary between tasks, please add ENDTASK: after ech task (after any HELPME)
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